Simply Clean: The Products We Use + Love


My cleaning routine and products continue to become more and more simplified. I don’t have time or space for tons of gadgets and formulas, so I continue to pair down to those that are efficient and simple. Even better, I’ve actually found extremely clean, safe, and plant-based options to be the most effective. Below I’m sharing the cleaning products we own today as well as a few tidbits on how we use them. I hope it’s helpful!


  • Concentrate - Honest to goodness, I use this stuff to clean every surface in our house. EVERYTHING. Laundry, dishes, bathrooms, face wash, carpet stains, kitchen, cars, windows, hands, floors … I could go on and on. It’s incredibly effective, lasts longer than you might think, and is safe for the whole family. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

  • Oxygen Boost - I use the Concentrate for just about everything, but if I have any tough stains or excessive dirt and grime, I toss in a bit of Oxygen Boost. It’s like magic on cloth diapers, works wonders on toilets, and it’s my secret weapon for keeping tile and grout sparkling clean.


  • Clothespins - My best advice for keeping whites crisp and clean? SUNSHINE! We hang all of our laundry on the clothesline to dry, all year round. It’s inexpensive, great for the environment, and does wonders for naturally removing stains. Plus it just smells so dang good!

  • Baking Soda - This is a really inexpensive staple that can be used for all kinds of cleaning solutions. I most often throw a cup in our washing machine once a month and run the “clean” cycle. I’ll also use it as a stain and/or odor remover, although I do opt for the Oxygen Boost most of the time. If that’s not in the budget, buy a bag of baking soda. You can get a giant 13.5lb bag at Costco for just under $8!

  • Laundry Detergent - I often switch between Branch Basics and Common Goods for laundry detergent. I don’t really have a preference either way - they’re both great! The bergamot scent is lovely and this detergent is great on sensitive skin. I keep both on hand at all times.

  • Scrub Brush - We keep this by the kitchen sink at all times. It’s great for cleaning cast iron or stubborn burned on stains, and it’s also nice for scrubbing shoes or carpet stains!

  • Dyson V11 Animal - We bought this shortly after Marin was born, and it’s been worth every single penny. I’m an avid cleaner, and I still can’t believe how much dirt and grime this thing picks up. The cordless functionality is a total game changer, and it just makes cleaning a breeze.

  • Flour Sack Towels - Inexpensive, quick drying, streak-free, and can be used for absolutely anything. I even used these as burp cloths when Marin was a baby. We keep a stack on each floor for easy access.

  • White Vinegar - Inexpensive and shockingly effective, I keep a gallon of this on hand at all times. I cook and clean with it. It’s great added to the washing machine or dishwasher when I run the “clean” cycle and also does wonders for streak-free windows. I always use this when cleaning outside windows because it’s so cost effective. if you don’t like the smell of vinegar, just add a few drops of essential oil.

  • Dryer Balls - I don’t use our dryer very often, but when I do, I always throw in some dryer balls to speed up the drying process and reduce static + wrinkles.

  • Sal Suds - I most often opt for Branch Basics when cleaning just about anything, but I do keep a gallon of Sal Suds on hand as well. It’s really handy for big messy jobs - like a big outdoor cleaning project or even used as a dish soap. It cuts right through oil and grime, but it can dry out your hands a bit. Either way, I like to have it on hand but it’s not an essential.

  • Cotton Towels - We go through a TON of towels in our household. I use them for everything - napkins, kitchen towels, cleaning rags, etc. The cotton ones from IKEA are inexpensive, long lasting, and look great.

  • Dish Cloth - I scrub dishes by hand just about as much as we run the dishwasher, and I always use a dish cloth. They’re easy to throw in the washing machine and last for years. I actually don’t even own a sponge!

  • Hand Soap - I like using the foaming hand wash from Branch Basics, but I don’t love the look of the plastic container. When I want a “nicer” hand soap on display, I refill with this plant-based soap. It’s the same scent as the laundry detergent (bergamot) and doesn’t dry out skin.

  • Floor Mop - I’ve owned this floor mop for many years, and it still works like a charm. I like that I can easily wash the removable pads and that I can use it on both tile and hardwood floors. I refill with Branch Basics these days. I’ve considered switching to a Cuban Mop, but I have this and it works so I’m sticking to it for now.

  • Squeegee - This is the sponge + squeegee attachment I use on all outdoor windows. The microfiber attachment is washable, and we screw the entire thing onto a super long pole extender to reach our tall windows. Works like a charm!

T I P S + T R I C K S


  • 1 cup baking soda

  • 1 cup vinegar

  • Optional: 20 drops tea tree essential oil

Combine vinegar and essential oil in a cup. Add baking soda to drum of machine and close door. Add vinegar mixture to bleach cup of machine. Turn machine to “Clean Washer” setting. When complete, wipe down inside of door and rubber gasket. Leave door open to air dry completely.


  • Warm Water

  • Sal Suds

  • White Vinegar

Start by creating mixing Sal Suds and water in a large bucket. Wash/Scrub all windows with soap mixture to remove dirt and grime. When complete, mix water and white vinegar in a large bucket. Wash windows and dry with a flour sack towel or squeegee.


  • Branch Basics All Purpose Spray

  • Oxygen Boost

  • Branch Basics Laundry Detergent OR Common Goods Laundry Detergent

Shake all excess solids into toilet. Toss dirty diapers in washing machine. If any are excessively dirty, spray stains directly with BB All Purpose Spray and sprinkle with a bit of Oxygen Boost. Wash on HOT and HEAVY DUTY. When done, shake vigorously and then hang on clothesline to dry.

This post is not sponsored or in partnership with any of the aforementioned brands, but the article contains affiliate links. When you shop via the links above, I may make commission on a sale at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own.

HOMEKelsey Johnston