Simple Cleaning


I love to clean! I’m not just talking about the love of having a clean house, I actually love the act of cleaning. I used to clean for fun when I was a little kid. I actually don’t remember my parents EVER asking me to pick-up my room. I would organize drawers and closets throughout the house all the time. Funny enough, before I was old enough to be trusted with ironing clothes, my Mom would let me “practice” with kitchen towels. Yes, really. I ironed for fun as a child. HAHA. OCD, anyone?

Whether you also enjoy cleaning or simply do it when absolutely necessary, I’m sharing my tried and true cleaning essentials below. I’ve tried all sorts of concoctions and brands throughout the years, but the items below have proven to be the most effective and reliable in my experience. Even better, just about everything is all natural and chemical free!

Cleaning doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, nor does it have to be laden with chemicals or fragrances to be effective. I truly believe the most simple solutions are the best.


  • Concentrate : With this concentrate, you really don’t need a single other cleaning product. Yes, really. I was a skeptic at first, but this little bottle of cleaning concentrate WORKS. I’ve been using it religiously around our home since December 2019 and love it. This single bottle makes (3) all-purpose 24oz bottles, (3) bathroom 24oz bottles, (3) streak free 24oz bottles, (3) foaming wash 10oz bottles, AND 64 laundry loads. It is plant-based, fragrance free, non-toxic, chemical free, and made in the USA. HIGHLY RECOMMEND! I like to incorporate a few other cleaning products in our household, but like I said, you could totally buy this one product and clean every surface in your home.

    Use code MYSIMPLYSIMPLE to receive 15% off the purchase of a Branch Basics Starter Kit!

  • Castile Soap : I really like the versatility of castile soap, and Dr. Bronner’s is my favorite. I prefer the unscented or peppermint and most often use it to wash dishes. I like it’s versatility in the bathroom, too. It’s a great body wash and shampoo and also works well on laundry. Just in keep in mind that castile soap is made up of oils, so it’s possible to have residue left behind. If that’s the case, just use a little white vinegar and it’ll shine right up!

  • White Vinegar : Extremely inexpensive and a great basic to have on hand. It doesn’t get much easier than cleaning with a little white vinegar and water. I use it religiously to clean our washing machine - especially these days as we’re in the throws of cloth diapering.

  • Flour Sack Towels : I go through more towels in one day than you could ever imagine. Seriously. I very rarely use paper towels, preferring a good towel instead. These flour sack towels are perfect for anything and everything. We use them as burp cloths for Marin, washing windows, and anything else you can think of.

  • Baking Soda : Stock up on 5lb bags of inexpensive baking soda, and you instantly have a deep cleaning superhero. Mixed with castile soap, you can create a really effective soft scrub, and thrown in with a load of laundry, your whites will come out sparkling.

  • Clothespins : These may not be an essential for everyone, but they sure are in our household! If you don’t have a clothesline, you’re missing out. I know some HOA’s and ordinances restrict them, but even a nice indoor drying rack is a good option.

The six items above are my make or breaks. You can clean anything and everything with those basic cleaning essentials. The items shown below, however, are on my “nice to have” list. You don’t have to have them, but they sure make some jobs easier. I have and would recommend everything in this entire post!


  • Sal Suds : If you need something with a little more grit, I would highly recommend Sal Suds. It has a slightly piney scent, but it’s not bad at all. I use this to deep clean the bathroom every once in awhile and it does a great job on grout. If you mix it with some baking soda, it makes an excellent soft scrub.

  • Dryer Balls : I most often dry our laundry on the clothesline, but when I do use the dryer, I always throw in a bunch of dryer balls. They cut down on drying time and keep clothes fresh without the chemical-laden dryer sheets. I prefer no scent, but you can always add a few drops of your favorite essential oil if you want a fragrance.

  • Laundry Detergent : This is not cheap laundry detergent, but I LOVE it. Whenever they have a sale, I splurge and buy a few bottles. I’m not usually much of a scent person, but the bergamot is so lovely.

  • Hand Soap : You can easily make a batch of hand soap using the Branch Basics Concentrate or Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap, but this liquid hand soap is handy. It does a really nice job and doesn’t leave my hands dry.

  • Bottle Brushes : A good set of bottle brushes is extremely convenient. I use ours every single day, partly because I’m constantly washing baby bottles right now, but I also use them to clean random jars and swing top bottles.

  • Glass Spray Bottle : You can totally use old bottles to mix up your cleaning solutions, but these glass bottles look great and function extremely well.

  • Pot Brush : Totally not a required utensil in the kitchen, but it is extremely handy.

  • European Dish Towels : My sisters introduced me to European dish towels several years ago, but it wasn’t until recently that I started using them consistently. I still like a good dish rag, but these towels are convenient and great for hand washing dishes.

  • Tea Tree Essential Oil : Tea Tree has natural antibacterial properties, so it’s a great all natural option to clean the home. I use it with baking soda to clean toilets as well as with white vinegar to clean the washing machine.

  • Dawn Dish Soap : While I rely on all-natural options 99% of the time, I still like having a bottle of Dawn on hand for my Mom’s tried and true stain remover: 1 part Dawn + 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide mixed in a spray bottle. It gets stains out of ANYTHING.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide : As noted above, I swear by 1 part Dawn + 2 parts Hydrogen Peroxide as a stain remover. IT WORKS! I keep a giant spray bottle mixed up at all times.

  • Dyson V11 Animal : Expensive but TOTALLY WORTH IT. This thing is amazing.

This post is not sponsored or in partnership with any of the aforementioned brands but the article contains affiliate links. When you shop via the links above I may make commission on a sale at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own.

HOMEKelsey Johnston